Multidisciplinary Approaches to the Study of Aging


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On the occasion of the 625th Anniversary of the Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg
March 24-25, 2011

Alte Aula of the Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg

Aging is inevitable, but improvements in sanitation, diet, healthcare and housing have resulted in a vast increase in life expectancy worldwide. Thus, aging is one of the major global challenges for the 21st century. The NAR recognizes that key challenges in aging – such as reducing frailty and morbidity, maintaining independence and wellbeing and providing cost effective care – cannot be solved in research silos but require a pluralistic approach. This conference aims to discuss where we stand, what are the opportunities to add value through strong cross-sector approaches on aging and later life, and how the main health and wellbeing challenges are best tackled.

Das gesamte Programm finden Sie hier:

(Quelle:, 18.01.2011)